Global Talent Alumni

Gain access to a global talent alumni network to support your journey

Global Talent Visa Alumni

Tech Nation is the official Home Office designated endorsing body authorised to assess endorsement applications from individuals with expertise in digital technology and who want to come to the UK under the Global Talent Visa.Together Tech Nation Global Talent Visa Alumni have contributed to the growth of the UK tech ecosystem, now worth more than $1Trillion. 

The Global Talent Visa Alumni network represents a captivating tapestry of cultures, perspectives, and backgrounds. Despite this rich diversity, each member of this exceptional network discovers common threads weaving through their experiences. They are bright, possessing a keen intellect that propels them forward. They are curious, driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and discovery. And above all, they are ambitious. Ambitious to learn and grow, to evolve into the tech leaders of the future, and to immerse themselves fully in the UK experience.

Alumni Impact

Alumni Profiles

Each year the UK is proud to endorse diverse, talented and driven tech founders and professionals representing a myriad of different professions and cultures. Our Global Talent Alumni are diverse in experience and nationality. Read our interviews with some of our all-star visa alumni, demonstrating the impact of the visa programme on people’s careers and contribution to UK tech.

In our Tech Nation Global Talent Visa Report we celebrate 10 Years of Global Talent in UK Tech with more all-star interviews and outline how the UK can continue to develop as an attractive destination for global talent.

Visa Alumni Forum

Speak to our friendly alumni who’ve been successful in the application process here. Please note, this is not official immigration advice.

Join the Global Talent Alumni Network

Once you’ve secured the Global Talent Visa, you can gain access to a valuable network of individuals who have successfully navigated the highs, lows, and intricacies of setting up life in the UK. These experienced guides have been there, done that, and are ready to support you in making a seamless transition.

Connect with active members and get the opportunity to build personal and professional relationships with them through our community events, monthly meetups and slack group.